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ES10G | Fundamental System Skills in z/OS

ES10G | Fundamental System Skills in z/OS


This course is designed to teach you the fundamental practical skills to navigate and work in a z/OS environment.

This includes the use of ISPF/PDF dialogs, TSO/E commands, JCL, UNIX System Services shell, and BookManager.



  • Review the main concepts of z/OS
  • Log on to TSO and start ISPF/PDF
  • Navigate through ISPF/PDF dialogs and use the basic ISPF/PDF functions and the ISPF Editor
  • Use ISPF/PDF to allocate data sets and edit data sets (including hierarchical file system (HFS) files) using the ISPF Editor primary and line commands
  • Use ISPF to create and manipulate (copy, rename, delete, list, sort, and merge) data sets
  • Identify security considerations for Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) data sets and HFS files
  • Describe and use TSO/E commands
  • Perform simple modifications to existing ISPF/PDF panels
  • Invoke a REXX exec and TSO CLIST
  • Tailor existing JCL and submit batch jobs
  • Review job status and job output using SDSF
  • Invoke UNIX processes
  • Manipulate HFS directories and file systems using the UNIX System
  • Services ISHELL



This basic course is for IT personnel with a theoretical background of z/OS (for example, as taught in An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES05G)  and some general practical IT experience



You should complete:

  • An Introduction to the z/OS Environment (ES050) or equivalent on-the-job training


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ES10G | Fundamental System Skills in z/OS

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