COBIT 5 Foundation | COBIT Foundation
The COBIT® 5 Foundation course is an interactive, classroom-based learning experience. Participants learn about the need for an IT governance framework and how COBIT addresses this need by providing the latest insights into enterprise-wide governance of IT. This course explains the elements and supporting materials of the COBIT framework, using a logical and example-driven approach for anyone interested in obtaining COBIT foundation level knowledge. COBIT® 5 Foundation is the first step to enroll into COBIT® 5 Implementation and COBIT® 5 Assessor. The COBIT® 5 Foundation exam is a prerequisite to attaining the COBIT® 5 Implementation and COBIT® 5 Assessor exams.
COBIT 5 Foundation Plus:
We offer COBIT® 5 Foundation as a 2-day or 3-day “Plus” course. This “Plus” course includes extra content above the exam syllabus. The third day is optional for the exam.
Course Information
- Certification: COBIT® 5 Foundation Course
- Duration: 2 or 3 Days (Plus)
- Domain: IT Governance and Strategy
- Delivery Method: Blended, Classroom, Virtual Classroom
- Accreditor: APMG, ISACA
- Available Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese
- Purchase Options: Pay Per Use Courseware
A wide range of business managers, IT management consultants, IT governance professionals, and auditors who wish to gain a better understanding of COBIT 5 and what the framework can provide their organization
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, you will gain competencies in:
- Key challenges of using IT
- IT governance concepts and benefits
- COBIT 5 framework, principles, and enablers
- Relationship between stakeholder needs and governance
- Implementation approach for the use of COBIT 5
- Structure of COBIT 5 process reference model
- Governance and management domains
- Components of COBIT 5 processes
- Need for capability assessments
- COBIT 5 ISO/IEC 15504 approach
- Application of COBIT 4 maturity model approach with COBIT 5
- Other COBIT 5 enablers for IT governance and management
Course Outline
Why COBIT? – IT Governance and Management Challenges
- Key Challenges of Using IT
- Difference between Governance and Management
- Key Stakeholders & their Roles and Responsibilities
- Benefits of IT Governance
COBIT 5 Framework and Principles
- COBIT 5 Framework
- COBIT 5 Principles
COBIT 5: Meeting Stakeholder Needs
- Internal Stakeholders Questions
- Stakeholders Questions
- Goals Cascade
- Implementation Guidance
COBIT 5 Enablers
- Processes
- Reference Model
- Frameworks, Principles and Policies
- Organizational Structures
- People, Skills and Competencies
- Culture, Ethics and Behavior
- Services, Infrastructure and Applications
- Information
Introduction to COBIT 5 – Enabling Processes
- COBIT 5 Process Components
- COBIT 5 Process Domains
COBIT 5 Processes
- The Management Domains
- EDM Processes
- The Management Domains
- Align, Plan and Organize
- Build, Acquire and Implement
- Deliver Services and Support
- Monitor, Evaluate and Assess
- Processes for Governance of Enterprise IT
COBIT 5: Process Capability Assessments
- Why Capability Assessments?
- The New ISO/IEC 15504 Process Capability Assessment Approach
Apply the COBIT 4 CMM Approach Using COBIT 5 (optional)
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COBIT 5 Foundation | COBIT Foundation
Duración 3 días Versión 5 Temario Descarga aquí ⇩ Método de entrega 👤 💻